Tuesday, November 10, 2009

German and Thiemann

I decided that I want to take German. Why, you ask? Well, in all actuality, I don't have a really pithy explanation. I like German. I think it's a very interesting language, and I think it would lend itself to some of the classes I am planning on taking.
I am somewhat worried that I will just sign up for it and then not be committed enough to follow through. How can I assure that I really do want to learn?

On a different note, I just found out that my MTC companion and good friend Marcus Thiemann is engaged. His birthday is tomorrow (he'll be 22), and so I am sure he'll be doing a lot of celebrating this week. He is a very good guy, and I'm happy for him. Makes me feel a bit old, though. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's your privilege to take classes like that just for fun - in retrospect I wish I would have followed 'druthers more often at college.

So, I say do it.