Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey Dinner

I got a message from one of my friends today; a vegetarian, he encouraged me to consider eating only veggies this Thanksgiving, or at least finding a free-range turkey, as farm turkeys are poorly treated. He included in said message a video showing, I assume, some depravity committed against our turkey brethren.

I didn't watch the movie. After careful consideration, I realized that I feel absolutely no guilt as to what turkeys suffer. Nor, I must admit, do I really care about said suffering. I like to eat meat, and will continue to do so, despite any appeals to the contrary. It is strange, perhaps, but it does not bother me in the slightest that big stupid birds give their lives for my meal. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe. But I've eaten worse.


Crystal said...

Hmmm. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I like to think of myself as an animal lover, and the idea of animals being abused and tortured horrifies me. However, I also like to eat meat. I like it a lot. I can understand that there are a lot of problems with trying to raise food animals "humanely." And I disagree with most of the reasons I've heard people give for why I should be a vegetarian. So I don't have a problem with animals like turkeys and pigs being killed so that I can eat them, but I do have a problem with things like puppy mills. Is it because puppies are cute and cuddly, and turkeys are not? Hmm. Probably, because I also have a problem with puppies being killed so YOU can eat them. >:(

Courtimedes said...

Spoken like a true belum makan anjing (not yet eat dog). When you realize how incredibly delicious they are...

Darth Glader said...

I think that, regardless of one's personal position on eating meat, it is sad the Californians in the last election showed that they are more concerned about the well-being of animals they are going to kill and eat than they are about unborn babies.

Darth Glader said...

Best quote on this subject: "I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants." (Attributed to A. Whitney Brown)