Saturday, February 27, 2010

My inability to play

I have always been a loser in the literal sense (as to the general sense, I can't comment). I lose at basically any game I play. In fact, I can't think of the last time I played a game I was better at than those around me. I don't win at card games, I don't win at computer games, I don't win at sports- in general, I just don't win.

I think that is why I react differently than my brother Glade. He really wants to win, and he usually does, because he is very driven and talented; when he doesn't, he can become angry and then will try harder the next time. I don't have the drive he has, and so even though I want to win, I tend to be more embittered and disgruntled than angry and demand a rematch. I find more and more that I don't really enjoy playing with other people, because every time, I lose. Sadly, I find that I am not mature enough to handle that, even though I thought by this time I would be able to.


Brook said...

Oh, Court! If I could thumbs-down this post. You are NOT a loser and you know it. And if you don't know it you need to learn it. And I have personally witnessed you beating me at games, so quit calling yourself a loser.

Also, no need to beat yourself up if you don't lose gracefully. It's something to work on, but recognize that you come by it organically. :)

The Looney Writer said...

Also, you beat me in almost every fight we ever have, though a few times I've come close.